Security and Safety

“Security is secured!”

In order to make sure the security of all the properties of the Company, we deployed highly trained security guards to protect the company form risks such as theft and burglary. Moreover, the compound of the factory is fenced with proper and secure materials so as to make sure that everything is secure and safe.

Amenities Photo Gallery

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Water Tanker
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Compound Flag
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Treatment Plant
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Volleyball cour...
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Volleyball play...
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Volleyball play...
Image Detail

Contact us

For further information please feel free contact us anytime. Our dedicated sales and support team is at your disposal for your inquiry and feedback.

Tel: +251-115-159040/535 978

Fax: +251-115-159050

Mob: +251-115-159-050

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lion Building, 9th Floor
Meskel Square
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia